Spiral law

About Universal Principles. What does they means? (I'll put my bad english on his knees with this kind of discussion..eh..eh..). Metaphisical question...

Thursday, May 02, 2013

At the market of the world

The world is not evil and not good, only that his ways to tell us things are measured on our inner caliber, one that is reflected in our actions; with this indisputable style the world teaches us nothing, but creates around each one of us the cruel conditions for the freedom we have to choose who and what to be. The world never feels guilty, the same way as a seller of trinkets in the midst of which has hidden a precious stone that glitters is less than the others. When someone, intentionally or unintentionally, will touch the most precious stone that has the merchant of dreams, the latter will do everything to convince him that he has wrong in choosing. Similarly behaves the world, but people who would like to gain only his precious pearl, they do not have to pay attention to what the merchant and the world say.


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