Spiral law

About Universal Principles. What does they means? (I'll put my bad english on his knees with this kind of discussion..eh..eh..). Metaphisical question...

Monday, August 18, 2014

The trap of the overturning

— Stillness— he said ... 
— The calm allows you to observe the moving of the universe— 

It was not the kind of man prone to considerations of this kind, but now things had taken a bend so different from the one he had messed up his life, and was a turn that had the air to put all in order
He was dying, and a strange calm ordered his thoughts, allowing them to go, in reverse, in a troubled past that had seen them investigate the why of an existence that could not be happy with the sole purpose of being. 
— The calm showing the faces of the things that are reflected in it
— And that they see reflected in their essence upside down the form shown by the calm 
— A form that fools the observer that isn't able to see operate the reversal 

It was too late to breathe a little of that pain, and his depose the desire to resist
He shook in the hands of the joy of having understood the meaning of the deception in which he had fallen, and let go himself without smiling. 
How could he be pleased, having finally realized that he had been captured once again by the same trap? 
Around the centrality of one's being of which his life was the individual expression, would have been concentrate another human being, different from him, in other dimensions and who knows in which galaxy, within the same timeless instant, and the vortex of life would begin to turn, around the same calm of the eternal Center, hoping to thank it through self-giving.


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