Spiral law

About Universal Principles. What does they means? (I'll put my bad english on his knees with this kind of discussion..eh..eh..). Metaphisical question...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Deceptive appearances

The nature seems to favor the rascals... but it does for leaving them in the desert, when the way back will become too long.

Monday, May 19, 2014

True love

True love leaves no doubt, because every time you look at this loved person, of this person you see the interior sacrality, that manifest itself letting themselves be loved for what it is: pure selfless generosity.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The right men

No one who be righteous can ignore the truth that it respects , but who knows to be in the right tends to hide that reality, because mortify those who are not righteous... it would not be right.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Death is our friend

Death is our friend, and his defeat would not make sense, because it does not act, but it expects it to be life to leave.

Monday, May 12, 2014

About war

The war, whatever the plane on which it is implemented, personal and interior or collectively, has for aim the peace, because peace without the threat of war, would have a different name. Like everything even the war has two faces, one that conquest and the other of freedom. To each the freedom to choose which side to take, but to stay against any war is just a way to choose not to choose, and only undergo.