Spiral law

About Universal Principles. What does they means? (I'll put my bad english on his knees with this kind of discussion..eh..eh..). Metaphisical question...

Friday, May 31, 2013

Posthumous fate

Not to be able to know what will happen after death determines the conditions necessary to be free, because it is only through freedom that the actions acquire the right value. With the certainty of the posthumous destiny the people are pushed to act in accordance to that purpose, and the freedom of choice would be conditioned though, there is to laugh to say it, most people will not stop in the elbowing eagerly for to gain heaven.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Truth and lies

The truth sews squeezing the reality in itself, without neglecting a single point, without to break a wire. The lie sews intriguing, but can not enter inside the truth, because the truth does not have a hole that has forgotten to close, because also if it had it would be a real hole without being able to escape the truth of what it is. So the truth is always alive even when it is covered by lies, and the lie is always dead even in his rant. This can be seen in the ridiculous parody that envelops every truth, because lying is full of holes from which the truth comes out to show the difference that separates each caricature that mimics the truth, from immobile sacredness of the true.

Monday, May 13, 2013

The "heart" for the ancient sages

"One sees clearly only with the heart
What is essential is invisible to the eye. "
A. de Saint-Exupéry

The heart, for the ancients, is not a symbol of sentimentality, but it is the centrality in which intellect, emotion and will, they find agreement in their synthesis. I do not know what Saint-Exupéry want really say, he's right about the fact that what is essential is invisible to the eye, but only to those of one who has been awakened from the Absolute. The inner eye, when it was opened from waking up, he sees the reality and truth that underlies it for what it is, without interpreting, and sees with the heart that has the support of  the intelligence. A heart that decides without intelligence could be racist so how it could  be an intelligence that knows no love. When you love without intelligence, absence which means without values in sharing​​, you are only prey of the charm of others, and it is not really love, for this will not last long as it will be straw burning their need for heat.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Consequences of indeterminacy of the Spirit

Who defines a reality, and it does so knowing the ineffable essence of reality that defines, defines it knowing that it would be better to do other ...


Dissecting a reality, in order to define its nature, it evokes everything that contradicts the given definition.

Friday, May 10, 2013

The spiritual tension

The propensity to consider the reality of the existence from a visual that is not convenient to anyone because he loves everyone.

The tension does not spiritual

Properly understood, the existence of each, during breaks between a binge and the other is aimed at trying to understand the reasons of the celebrate of the others...

The thought

The way through which man makes heavy and elastic the rigorous evanescence of his intuition.

Monday, May 06, 2013

Reality and dream

I know that the reality is an expression of the infinite potential that is the Absolute. Reality that being specular, thus inverted, compared to the Absolute, of which is a simple and complicated effect, is a set of limits, therefore must have an end. The dream is one of the ways that reality in order to achieve what in the waking state is hampered, and also a possibility symbolic useful to decode the deeper meaning hidden behind intuitions, emotions and needs that are not on the surface of consciousness. It's always the same universal possibility that flows on the plans that are available, because possible, and is the necessary complement to having to endure life. In the dream is the life that suffer our creating...

Saturday, May 04, 2013

What is love?

Love is self-sacrifice for larger values ​​of self, which are recognized as essential values ​​because they are central to existence. We love the centrality of the people even when we think to love their superficiality, and we love them because it is our centrality that loves herself in all the different forms of which it is capable. Because Centrality is the same for all beings.

Friday, May 03, 2013

The most cruel trap

The worst trap is the trap set by the evil, because evil sinks in his actions with the belief that is sinking others.

Thursday, May 02, 2013

At the market of the world

The world is not evil and not good, only that his ways to tell us things are measured on our inner caliber, one that is reflected in our actions; with this indisputable style the world teaches us nothing, but creates around each one of us the cruel conditions for the freedom we have to choose who and what to be. The world never feels guilty, the same way as a seller of trinkets in the midst of which has hidden a precious stone that glitters is less than the others. When someone, intentionally or unintentionally, will touch the most precious stone that has the merchant of dreams, the latter will do everything to convince him that he has wrong in choosing. Similarly behaves the world, but people who would like to gain only his precious pearl, they do not have to pay attention to what the merchant and the world say.

Adaptation of involution

The man plays the adaptation as it was an evolutionary process, that's why it seems that being able to live among the garbage is the sign of the highest civilization possible.

You can not ask for silence

That no one should dare to ask, to someone who knows where it comes from the awareness of the universal, because he would feel the Silence smile from behind...