Spiral law

About Universal Principles. What does they means? (I'll put my bad english on his knees with this kind of discussion..eh..eh..). Metaphisical question...

Saturday, September 12, 2015

We are all sinners?

In the Churches often the priest remembers that we are all sinners.
This to attribute to all the act of sin lessens the degree of liability resulting from the sin.
So saying, the priest can just have to rely on the God's mercy.

But being faithful can not mean being beggars.

They asked to Mother Teresa how she felt to be holy, and She answered that holiness is a duty of all, and the right question should have been:— How does it feel to not be sanctified—...

Friday, September 11, 2015

The heavy brick of a beautiful mansion

The awareness of the aims of existence places the individual who is aware in a difficult situation, because this is an absolute knowledge that does not lend itself to be discussed, or to be able to be communicated to others in its essentiality that is not relative. It is like to know the laws of the mathematical calculation... living in a world that constantly has results foolish, from foolish assumptions, because of ignorance of those same universal laws, the only ones that lead to the synthesis and logic of the unique Truth.
With that knowing the love of life tends to diminish, as would diminish the beauty of a painting when it is matched with a magnificent work of art.

But existence is also a magnificent work of art, but next to the Mystery that shows the value of the universal Intelligence... the existence fades, showing to be the means that it is: the heavy brick of a wonderful palace It disappears in the magnificence of the infinite Mystery.