Spiral law

About Universal Principles. What does they means? (I'll put my bad english on his knees with this kind of discussion..eh..eh..). Metaphisical question...

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

The pride of belonging

I'm not proud of being human, nor to be of white race, and even to be born in Italy, because you can not be proud of that to which you have no personal merit. Racists feel a ridiculous pride in itself, of the same quality of a man who, having found a dirty stone on the ground, shows with proudly the stone to the world, saying that no other man would have had the right to find it before him.

The heavy can not hope to overcome Heaven height.

When the evil of the bad people has the upper hand becomes necessary patience, because evil can not be resolved through a path different from that followed by a stone thrown into the sky.

Divine mercy

The first hope that everyone has is to be able to evade the Truth, and the last hope is that of to be forgiven by Truth.

God's mercy is not the automatism of a pardon granted by the inability to impose penalties as to punished the wicked, but is to give them other possibility of redemption through a new time to live.

What holds the existence?

The existence is based on the Truth of the Good.
That the existence is based on Truth and the benevolence of the Sky has proved by the fact that evil needs to justify itself even to his own eyes.